New Food Trends in 2022 and Why You Need Them
New Food Trends in 2022 and Why You Need Them
by Keren Brown
Whether you are a chef, a content creator, or just someone who loves dabbling in food, knowing upcoming trends is a must, not only for inspiration but also in order to really understand the needs of your customers and the food community.
From hibiscus smoothies to sugarless flavorful sodas, let’s look into the food trends that will be taking center stage in 2022!
Pass over the Alcohol and Bring on the Soda
It’s becoming more and more important to relax with a drink – and that drink does not have to be alcoholic. Diet sodas, even those sweetened with stevia, are not as popular as they used to be. Think LaCroix, the sparkling beverage with hints of lime, or coconut, or other subtle flavor notes with no added sugar. Although they might have become a household name, there is a long list of competitors pulling off refreshing sodas without the additives; even Jelly Belly has one without sugar.
Superfoods for Super Mental Health
Superfoods have been popular for a few years now, but the change that happened this year was the focus on mental health. So, what’s the connection with food? Coronavirus has schooled the world on mental health. People really understand that we need to feel good inside now, and foods designed for better mental health are going to be the next trend. We’ll be seeing more high-fat, protein-filled snacks and more information about the food and mental health connection. We’re talking energy balls packed with Spirulina like these Figgy Pops, healthy power snacks with Macca and Matcha, and Power smoothies in pouches.
Hibiscus Power
Hibiscus is this venus of flowering plants in the mallow (malvaceae) family. You might already know this flower as a healthful tea, but now hibiscus is making its way into desserts and so much more. We’ll be seeing hibiscus in cocktails, in foods, and even baked items! Now that’s what we call flower power!
We Do Yuzu
Yuzu is a hybrid citrus fruit that originated in China and now grows in Japan, Korea, and other parts of the world. The taste is a subtle mix of grapefruit and lemon and adds an amazing punch to dressings, currently mostly used in Japanese salads and many Japanese desserts. But the future for Yuzu lurks in its in tartness, which we will find in grocery products, cookies, cakes, and in just about everything.
Robotic Food Solutions
Yes, robots are making food more accessible, quicker, and changing the way we order. There will be robots for food delivery, robots to make the process smoother in supermarkets, and even robots as waiters. Who knows, your kitchen assistant in 2022 may just be a robot, too!
Low Waste Foods
People will learn to really maximize the ingredients that they have and as the last few years have been about low waste packaging. Now, let’s talk about low waste food, which means composting even more efficiently, freezing herbs, and maximizing what we have to create – and finish! – completing meals with little or no waste.
Food tech has exploded in the past couple of years. Now, there is a technology that sanitizes glassware, technology that provides more sustainable meat options, and ultra-fast and effective platforms for delivery to all startups, making everything run better. What did the virus give us? Well, more time to create, innovate, and research.