To Live

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Business of the Month: To Live

Freeze-Dried Smoothies for People Who Don’t Have Time to Make Them

How is freeze-dry technology going to transform our lives – and can it help us consume more nutrients in less time? Are you trying to eat healthy but just can’t seem to make it stick?

If you have been trying to make smoothies but can’t find the time to shop, prep, and clean up afterward, you are not alone. Though smoothies seem like a simple task, the reality is that to consume a broad spectrum of nutrients and vitamins, you need to be organized in buying the right ingredients, have time to commit – and you might just not have the patience for the clean up after.  It’s no surprise, then, that while many of us want smoothies every day, most of us can’t seem to make them a habit. This is where To Live comes in. These are smoothie mixes that use freeze-dry technology to keep the nutrients fresh and plentiful, with the bonuses of no added sugar, lots of vitamins, and no preservatives.

Many have heard of the term freeze-drying, but what does it mean? Well, it might be more well-known for its association with astronauts, as their food has been freeze-dried for years. Freeze-drying is simply the name for the technique used to preserve fruit, minerals, and liquids without losing the nutrients. It is a low-temperature dehydration process that involves freezing the product, lowering pressure, then removing the ice by sublimation. 

To Live is a dream come true for founders Michal Metzger and Yachin Enoch, a duo of siblings who have worked for many years in the food industry. Both are sports and health advocates as well. Michal Metzger explains, “We wanted to find a way to make food healthy and easy to make even with today’s hectic lifestyle. To Live is a mix of high-end technology and traditional knowledge by leading dieticians and naturopaths, it’s the best of both worlds.”

To Live smoothie packages and kits come in different flavors, including a green smoothie variation, a protein variation, and an active version, all come with superfoods added into the mix. All you need to do to benefit from this goodness is to add the powder to water in a shaker, shake, then drink! It’s a great way to live your best life!

Click here for more.


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