Nathan’s September 2024 Newsletter

Elul Reflections: Progress and Preparation 

As we transition from the somber commemorations of Tisha B'Av to the joyous celebrations of Tu B'Av, our journey this past month has mirrored these contrasting themes. August has indeed been a slower month, marked by the challenges of escalating conflicts and the usual slowdown of summer vacations. Yet, as we move into Elul, my favorite time of the year, we find ourselves in a period ripe for reflection, spiritual rejuvenation, and optimism. 

Elul is a special month that precedes the High Holidays—a time when we reflect on the past year and prepare ourselves for the year to come. It's been a particularly tough year for Israel and its people, with many families enduring incredibly difficult circumstances. Despite these challenges, our spirit remains unbroken, driven by an determined will to advance and stay positive in the face of adversity. 

On the GCI front, we are ramping up our preparations for the upcoming JNF Global Conference in Dallas, Texas, scheduled for November 14-17. This event will be a significant milestone for us, and we are excited about the opportunity to showcase our progress and the potential of our institute. 

Our academic initiatives are also gaining momentum. We are actively developing our curriculum and have begun some exciting programming in collaboration with Alexander Muss High School. These educational partnerships are crucial in shaping a comprehensive and impactful learning experience for our students. 

Construction updates bring a ray of hope and tangible progress. The dorms are nearing completion, and Building A is shaping up beautifully. We are also moving forward with plans for Building B, ensuring that our physical infrastructure matches our ambitious educational goals. 

As we approach the High Holidays, we hope for a month filled with productivity and peace. We are keen to enter this period with a spirit of renewal and readiness, looking forward to a year where we can realize our aspirations and contribute positively to our community and beyond. 

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Let's embrace the reflective spirit of Elul and prepare for a year filled with growth, peace, and prosperity. 

Wishing everyone a thoughtful and optimistic Elul. 




Interview with David Pliner


Ruth Nieman