Nathan’s November 2022 Newsletter

"A life is not important except in the impact is has on other lives." Jackie Robinson

I recently got back from the JNF USA National Conference in Boston, and the impact is all I can say. The work that JNF is doing here is amazing. While I’ve heard so much about the work being done, nothing beats seeing the impact in motion. I was moved by the  Special in Uniform singing performance; so much talent in one place. This is one of the most impactful programs for the special needs community.

This is what distinguishes JNF’s investments in the projects they undertake, IMPACT. The GCI is no different. While one might look from the outside and ask, “why get involved in a culinary school?”, the answer becomes apparent when you see how much the institute will affect the region.

High-quality jobs, partnerships with local businesses, economic development through tourism and highlighting the region, innovation, food, agritech startups, education, research, and so on. 

One of the presentations I gave while at the conference was about legacy. I truly believe the legacy that’s being created with the GCI by JNF is going to last way beyond my time. From transforming culinary education to helping people strive by understanding the impact of food culture to bringing different ethnicities together through food to food responsibility, there is so much! 

We are not looking to do small things. 

It combines history, cultures, education, innovation, and a vision of the future, creating a magic formula for a one-of-a-kind experience. 

So far, we are attracting amazing people to the institute, individuals who want to join our team, and the companies and relationships forming are beyond exciting. The Galilee will be the next big thing, but housing is most needed.  Again, thanks to JNF, homes are being built and more and more will be needed soon with all the people flocking to the North. 

A little update on construction. The dorms and main building have made substantial progress, and we are finishing bids for other parts. Equipment lists are finalized, and prospective students are coming through the process. Lior had a great visit here in Israel, meeting with the teams on the ground and his reports were very positive. We are getting closer and closer to an opening date.

All in all, we are making significant progress and continue moving forward which is most important. While I know things might be slowing down for some in the US with the holiday season coming there, nothing will be slowing down here, and we are already gearing up for 2023 (I cannot believe I just said that).  

Looking forward to keeping everyone updated!  Shabbat Shalom! 

L'chaim (To life) 





Interview with Mr. Reagan Weil