More Foods

Business of the Month: More Foods

From Healthy Seed Solids Cast Away by the Food Oil Industry to Your Next Vegan Burger 

Israel has become a hub for vegan substitutes, which makes perfect sense in a country that houses the world's most significant percentage of vegans per capita (5 percent of the country). You can find several versions of vegan burgers at almost every restaurant. Some of them have unfamiliar or processed flavor profiles. Apart from the vegans/vegetarians, more than 30% of the population is looking to reduce their meat consumption.

Israeli start-up More Foods has created meaty products by harnessing the proteins from pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and the future promises many sprouting opportunities. The taste is natural,  with no aftertaste and the product is gluten-free and major allergen-free. This plant-based powerhouse contains  26 percent protein and 6 percent fiber and a small and clean ingredient list; pumpkin seed flour, sunflower seed flour, black carrot juice extract, apple extract, and nutritional yeast.

The process is fascinating: More Foods takes healthy seed solids cast away by the food oil industry and produces a plant-based protein that tastes natural. As a result, CEO Leonardo Marcovitz explains,  “People don’t feel like they are eating something processed; they feel connected to it. It’s familiar and wholesome.”

From products similar to pulled meat to minute steaks, local Israel restaurants have been serving More food and getting excellent feedback and reviews. As a result, they are preparing to go international.


Interview with George Stern


Nathan’s July 2022 Newsletter