Nathan’s March 2023 Newsletter

“Coincidence is G-d’s way of remaining anonymous.” Albert Einstein

We are in the Hebrew month of Adar and just finished the holiday of Purim, soon to be in Passover mode (sorry to remind those people not looking forward to the big cleaning job to come). Purim tells the holiday story where the evil prime minister of the Persian empire selected a “random” date to get rid of all the Jews. I’ll fast forward, and in typical fashion, the evil villain was the one who was taken care of on that “random” date.  

This holiday is always a great reminder that nothing happens by accident. No email that is sent or received, a meeting set up, canceled, or randomly missed, a social event where you “happen” to meet a future employee or any situation you can think of. It’s when you realize that a comment that might not be so positive needed to be heard or run into an old friend that needs help. Everything has a place in the big plan. What I love about this approach to life, and I believe in my core, is that it allows us always to be open to possibilities and not take anything lightly. 

This approach is one that I utilize in all areas of life, especially at the GCI. We are meeting many different people, companies, entrepreneurs, educational institutes, and everything else. We are in such a crucial stage of our business lifecycle that the dichotomy of being hyper-focused and entirely open needs to coexist and we need to be focused on the work that needs to get done efficiently and effectively daily. It means being open in our conversations and meetings and listening attentively. This is hard to do sometimes as a team but it needs to happen. 

We just had our yearly internal team meeting and had a great time discussing what we have accomplished to date, what needs to get done in the current year, and where we are going. I’m super blessed to work with so many great people and our team is definitely the main reason we are going to be successful. So, a quick thank you to Keren, Dovi, Bazy, and the rest of the team, JNF, and partners for helping to make our dream a reality. 

Major vendors have been finalized, the equipment tender is out, major materials selected, and carpentry is about to get started. The dorms are ready to be built fully after we just finalized the flooring and walls. It’s an exciting time on site and we can’t wait to welcome all the guests coming to see the progress over these next couple of months. 

Many other areas are in process, but one of my favorite areas is our curriculum, which is coming together. I’ve spoken about this before, but what we are creating will be game-changing. Everything we created around the curriculum at the GCI is based on our student's success.  

Well, I hope everyone has a great rest of the month and can leave all limitations behind with the holiday of Passover coming and sending blessings of success, health, love, and joy in all areas of life. 

L'chaim (To life) 



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