Nathan’s June 2024 Newsletter

Shavuot Reflections and Progress Amidst Challenges 

As we approach the holiday of Shavuot, the significance of this time feels particularly profound. Shavuot marks the giving of the Torah, a moment of immense importance for the Jewish people. In a world where anti-Semitism and hate are increasingly prevalent, particularly in places that should be defenders of open dialogue like universities, the Torah's timeless teachings offer us a moral compass. Its guidelines remain as relevant and necessary today as ever, providing us with the strength and wisdom to navigate these challenging times. 

At the Galilee Culinary Institute by Jewish National Fund USA (GCI), we continue to push forward with our mission and projects, undeterred by the external difficulties. We have successfully laid the first layer of concrete for our main building, bringing our vision closer to reality. Our dormitories are nearing completion, and the farm planning is progressing beautifully. We've recently met with a potential partner for the farm, and the collaboration looks promising.  

Interest in our program is growing steadily, with more and more students showing a keen desire to join us. Our first cohort is almost full, and we are preparing to move on to filling the second cohort soon. On the business front, our strategy is coming together, PR meetings are in progress, and we are on the cusp of finalizing our opening date, which we plan to announce soon. 

It's amazing to witness all this progress, especially as the conflict in the north escalates. Despite the challenges, our resolve remains firm. We continue to advance, driven by our commitment to excellence and the belief that our work will bring positive change. 

As we celebrate Shavuot, let's take the time to reflect on the strength and guidance the Torah provides us. May this holiday be meaningful for everyone who observes it, and may we all find the good that emerges from these trying times. 

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and insightful Shavuot. 




Interview with Osi Lankri


Israel Microgreens