Nathan’s January 2023 Newsletter

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” T.S Eliot. 

2023 is going to be a big year. We are celebrating the first anniversary of our podcast, “What’s Burning” and we have been thrilled with the results: almost 15,000 downloads, top international culinary talent, amazing content, and much more to come.

We believe that creating a culinary industry that pushes the industry's norms is imperative in today’s constantly changing world. We also need to discuss culinary industry challenges that haven’t been touched on enough. We talk about culture in culinary and go way beyond the mainstream culinary conversations that most food lovers talk about.

Culinary education is based on real-world experience, current trends, and innovation. Allowing students to pursue what they are most passionate about will create a ripple effect in the industry. However, it will not happen overnight, as change isn’t always easy. 

Next month we will have a special announcement with the opening date of our culinary institute. I have been waiting for this day for a long time, so it finally coming to fruition is extremely exciting. This year will be a big one operationally ensuring all systems, processes, the facility, hiring- and more will be ready to go with the launch of our flagship program. Currently, we are working on a new website, creating new relationships, meeting exciting new businesses, and seeing some of the best technology in the world being created here.  

With the new year, will also come innovation. I’ve been thinking a lot about what the future holds, specifically with AI. Everything is going to change. What I believe is most important is embracing the change and being a leader in adopting the innovations that scare most companies. My goal will be to ensure the GCI and our students are on top of what is happening and can successfully navigate the changes in the culinary world over the next few years. It’s good that a lot of innovation is happening here in Israel, so students will see firsthand what’s coming before most people. 

On the team front, I want to send a big Mazel Tov to Bazy, our student concierge, who just had a beautiful baby girl. We should only celebrate good news as a team, and your daughter should bring your family lots of joy and love. 

I hope everyone has an excellent 2023, and I’m looking forward to some significant accomplishments in the current year. 

L'chaim (To life) 



Tel Aviv Groove


Interview with Joel Haber