Nathan’s February 2021 Newsletter

Feb clouds

We are dreaming big!

Last month I spoke about dreaming big, especially during turbulent times. What we are planning to do at the GCI by JNF is no small task. Instead of just talking about our dream, we decided to write it down. Let us know what you think. “To reinvent global culinary education and experiences, bringing people together through food across cultural, geographical, religious and political differences.”

 Our dream is not a small one but one of the ways we are going to fulfill our dream is by focusing on entrepreneurship. As you can read in our interview with Raideesha Francis, the importance of teaching entrepreneurship is not only about a business surviving, but thriving. Today you can no longer get by with decent product offerings or service. If you have either a good product or service, eventually you will lose to someone that has both, maybe not now, but eventually, no matter how large or successful you become. This is multiplied in the culinary world, especially with restaurants where margins are so small, if you add an extra minute to plating dishes, it might mean the difference between making payroll or going out of business.

Today, entrepreneurship is a “buzz word” synonymous with hitting it big, making lots of money, and being successful and cool. This could not be further from the truth. Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but everyone needs to understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur, no matter what part of culinary our students want to get into. Having a grasp of what it takes to make it, is critical.


Therefore, we will be spending some good time learning about (and experiencing) the different types of businesses and models, like food trucks, restaurants, caterers, pop-ups, ghost kitchens, makers, producers, food, and agtech, to name a few. We will look at for-profit and non-profit businesses and how to incorporate social impact (think of Toms, the shoe company).

Most of the learning though will be through experience at the GCI. It could be working in our restaurant or teaching a class to the community on bread baking. Maybe it is through the student shadowing the employee purchasing the day’s raw materials. This is where the students will create programs and events, utilizing what was learned while working with professionals in the business. This includes apprenticeships as well as community projects, identifying needs through listening and working with the locals.

Last thing I will say about entrepreneurship. I do not believe in luck, but if I were going to define it, I would use the Roman philosopher Seneca’s definition, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” We will do our best to prepare students for success, no matter what they decide to do in life. This takes grit, determination, hard work, and a positive attitude, to name a few character traits. Being able to see the opportunity and opening in every situation is a vital part of the process.

Back to a little update on the GCI by JNF. We are focusing on our strategy and curriculum while being very close to getting our permit to start building. A lot must happen before we open up the application process, which we are hopeful will happen this summer, so stay tuned for more information. We continue to join JNF Virtual tours while having daily meetings with significant influencers and potential partners. We are always moving forward in the right direction, ensuring that we get close to accomplishing our dream.

Always dream big and always push a little harder, day by day.

Have a great Purim to those who celebrate and stay safe!

L’chaim (To life)



Nathan’s March 2021 Newsletter


Interview with Raideesha Francis