Galilee Culinary Institute by JNF

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Business of the Month: ChickP

Israel’s Fixation on Everything Chickpea Reaches New Heights with ChickP protein.

Israel is synonymous with its hummus scene, but did you know that an Israeli food-tech company has found a protein solution made from chickpeas?

ChickP is a patented protein product supplied to B2B companies that could be added to any product to create a high-quality protein that is a sustainable solution. These protein isolates, which are now a B2B solution, are unique in their extraction technique, which removes the bitter taste and most non-nutritive elements, benefiting both the consumer and the food sector. Furthermore, this protein assists in controlling blood sugar and also includes choline which is a nutrient that aids in the proper functioning of one's brain and neurological system. 

With this product, everything can become more protein-dense, including meat and dairy-like substitutes, like pastries, snacks, and more. Consider the illusion of a sunny side egg that is essentially packed with chickpea protein yet has no animal ingredients or derivatives.

ChickP was founded in 2016 by Ram Reifen, a pediatric gastroenterologist, professor of human nutrition, based on a patented technology developed at the Hebrew University Jerusalem. He has devoted years of research to the whole of chickpea and to fighting malnutrition in children and mothers.

CEO, Liat Lachish Levy explains “The functional and nutritional characteristics of our IP Chickpea isolate are among the key characteristics that drive demand in use for nutrition, dairy & meat alternatives, snack and cereal segments. Consumers are looking for high protein content, allergen-free properties, and a neutral taste”.  

For more info, visit