Galilee Culinary Institute by JNF

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Ep 4: Returning fertility to collapsed soils, the importance of organics and athleticism in the kitchen.

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Episode 4 Dan Barber

Dan Barber is the chef and co-owner of Blue Hill and Blue Hill at Stone Barns in New York, and the author of The Third Plate. A fierce advocate for sustainable, ethical farming and cooking, Dan's opinions on food and agricultural policy have appeared in the New York Times, along with many other publications. He also co-founded Row 7 Seed Company, which brings together chefs and plant breeders to develop new varieties of vegetables and grains.

Dan has received multiple James Beard awards including Best Chef: New York City (2006) and the country's Outstanding Chef (2009). Appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, Dan continues the work he began alongside the team at Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture: to blur the line between the dining experience and the educational, bringing the principles of good farming directly to the table.

In 2009 he was named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world.

On this episode of "What's Burning", Dan's chat with Host Mitchell Davis includes conversation around returning fertility to collapsed soils, the importance of organics and athleticism in the kitchen.

For more on Blue Hill, visit:

Follow Dan and Blue Hill Farm on Instagram @chefdanbarber & @bluehillfarm and on Twitter @DanBarber & @bluehillfarm

Photo credit - Richard Boll