Galilee Culinary Institute by JNF

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Nathan’s June 2023 Newsletter

“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” Albert Einstein.

This month has had huge emotional ups and the opposite. Our daughter turned three on Shavout, so we had a great time celebrating with family, friends and the community. It was so special since we have the custom that when a girl turns the age of three, she starts lighting both Shabbat and Holiday candles. While our daughter Ruti already knows the blessing and the routine as she watches her mother, it was so special to see her light her own candle in her very own candleholder. To see her facial expression, exude so much joy really melted my heart. A moment I will not forget.

Then the other side of the emotional latter. It was a strange month with community members getting sick, several people unexpectedly passed away, close family getting some negative health reports and a family that I’m extremely close with, the Welner’s, oldest daughter (16) Shaina, ob”m, passed away from a rare disease. I just do not understand how something like this happens to such an amazing family. I know it happens all the time, that great people have huge tragedies, but it doesn’t hit home until it happens to someone, you’re extremely close with.

The Welner’s, Yaakov and Rachel are a special family. When I was on my spiritual Jewish Journey, it was the Welner’s that took me in. I won’t get into all the details, but when I decided to start observing Shabbat, they invited me to stay with them EVERY Shabbat. I don’t think many people understand what it means to host someone in their home every Shabbat. First, it’s not easy having someone in your space on a weekly basis. Next, extra food, extra cleaning, new sheets, little privacy, and it’s just a lot of work. While my wife and I love hosting guests for Shabbat, having people stay in your house every Shabbat is not something we are up for doing. It takes amazing sacrifice and Yaakov and Rachel were willing to do anything to help other another in need and to do another mitzvah.

Just like her parents, before Shaina passed away, she encouraged everyone to do take on another mitzvah to help with her recovery and to help everyone in need. I spent a lot of time seeing Shaina grow up and I know her parents are extremely proud of her accomplishments at such a young age. Over 17,500 mitzvah’s were done in her merit. Rabbi Allouche from the community wrote a beautiful article here about suggestions on how to handle such a tragedy. To summarize, do more good, it’s okay to feel pain but not become our pain, we are one, enjoy the moment, and choose life. I’m going to do more in her honor, and I hope others choose to do one more good deed with me as well. We should have no more tragedies and only celebrate good news together!

On the GCI front, all is moving forward quickly. We are working on hiring both the Head of School and the Head Chef, which are two crucial positions for the team. The first and second cohort is open, both of them having acceptance letters sent out and planning some local events to build our already growing community here in Israel. We also had a great meeting with Tel Hai, the Margalit Start-up Hub and local businesses. Construction is making progress, the Dorms are looking great and the Farm is being prepared. Lots to do so buckle your seat belts :)

Have a great Father’s Day and week!

