Galilee Culinary Institute by JNF

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Nathan’s June 2022 Newsletter

“The real competitive advantage in any business in one word only, which is people.” - Kamil Toume

In the 80s & 90s, the hype was about scalability and bringing in an employee at the lowest level to get similar results. The employee was less important than the process. Think fast-food chains, major grocery stores, banking, and many other industries. While I still want to ensure the GCI delivers the best service possible, scaling and duplicating results, the times are changing. 

People and the ability to work in a team environment today are everything. So much of what is being done by humans will be moving to machines. Like it or not, it’s inevitable, and those that resist change will be left behind. Think about the places you frequent the most. For my wife and I, when we lived in the US, Trader Joe’s, Sprouts, Whole Foods, and Costco were our go-to stores. When you walk into a Trader Joe’s, everyone is happy. What in the world are they all drinking?  

It comes down to the people and culture of a business that will shape its success. The companies that succeed in the future will have to be great team environments. People want to know where their food comes from, how employees are treated, what type of labor is used, and their contribution to society. One example is Airbnb, which recently changed its work policies, allowing people to work from anywhere in the US. They are leading other companies that value their employees and the flexibility of their team. It’s not about getting a job or hiring an employee; it is about what you bring as a whole.

These are all good changes, and it is about time businesses start to understand you can’t take advantage of employees and only think about the bottom line. However, what is also unique about the days we are heading towards is that people who genuinely believe in changing the world, hard work, karma, and being a part of something bigger than themselves will succeed significantly soon. Real success stories shine during difficult times, and while the economy seems to be headed towards a recession, the greatest of people and companies will come out on top. This intrigues me and is why I believe the GCI will be successful once we open our doors.

What is unique about the GCI is that we are attracting great people, partners, and support from around the world. I have had so many great conversations over the last few weeks that I’m convinced it’s all about the mission. It’s about transforming culinary education and bringing people around the table through food and its impact. Our true purpose, beliefs, and a fantastic team will create excellent results. Our team is a value that takes center stage, one of the most important pillars of success. And you, our community, and your feedback is our gateway to the depth of this one-of-a-kind culinary institution.

Now for a few updates on the business front. This month, we received some great PR with pieces in Israel 21c and the Jerusalem Post. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but we also might have an article in an airline magazine very soon, so keep an eye out for this exciting news. 

Also, a significant milestone for us, we accepted our first applicants into the flagship program. While I know, it’s hard for the first movers looking to jump right in without a start date, that date is coming soon, and I am sure it will be worth the wait as our goal is to do everything for our students and to ensure they succeed, not to mention it will be a once in a lifetime experience. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic summer, and if you’re visiting Israel, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

L’chaim (To life) 
