Nathan’s July 2023 Newsletter
“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” John C. Maxwell.
I love change. It doesn’t always feel good at the moment, but I smile whenever I realize that change is what’s making me uncomfortable. I believe your response to tough life challenges determines how much you grow, and as I always say, there is no growth in the comfort zone.
I am constantly working on staying true to this outlook. For example, last year I spoke at the JNF USA National Conference in front of over a thousand people. I’d spoken in front of many groups before, but such a large crowd posed a new challenge. I felt uncomfortable, but I embraced that feeling. I practiced as much as possible, ran through some calming exercises, and then went out and was uncomfortable. This year, The Global Conference for Israel is expected to have over 2500 attendees, so although I’m sure I’ll feel uncomfortable, the JNF experience will help me feel less so. I hope to see everyone at the Global Conference this year.
Another thing to watch out for is being so comfortable in a situation that you reject the possibility of positive change. Previously, GCI has released our newsletter on the 18th of every month because, as I discussed in the July of 2021 newsletter, 18 has a significant meaning in Judaism. However, if you’re paying attention to what day you’re reading this letter, it’s not the 18th.
Our team member Keren recently suggested we change the timing of our newsletter, sharing it earlier to reach more readers. I could have been stubborn and said the letter will release on the 18th because that’s what I like-- end of story. Indeed, many leaders get stuck doing things how they always did them trapped by an “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” mentality that promotes mediocrity. The saying should be, “what else can fail, and how can we innovate?” The goal of our newsletter is to have many people read about GCI’s work so that they feel inspired to join our unique community. If this date change supports that goal, I’m all in.
The only caveat when embracing change is to always hold onto your values. Never compromise them because you think you will sell one more widget or gain a certain number of followers. Always stay true to who you are as a person or entity. What was important to me when we selected our date was that we upheld our commitment to the community. We said the 18th-- besides Shabbat and holidays-- is when we would send out the newsletter, so we consistently delivered. However, based on her research, Keren recommended we move the release to the 2nd Tuesday of every month. So, that date is our new commitment to each of you. We are confident this will be a good change, and we promise to continue maintaining our values.
Speaking of positive change, GCI construction is moving at such an incredible pace. Take a look at some of the pictures below.
Seeing our dorm model room come together, the farm area being prepped for planting, and progress being made on all fronts is super exciting. Student applications to the Flagship Immersion Program are picking up, and we have accepted more students. This phase is more involved than it sounds, as we are figuring out payment methods, when everything is due, dorm contracts, visas, as well as many other details, but everything is coming together. This is such an exciting time full of changes, but I’m enjoying every minute of it.
If you’re coming to Israel, we welcome you to visit the GCI. May 2024 is coming soon, so if you want to become a part of launching this special institute, don’t be shy and get out of your comfort zone.
Have a great week, and L’chaim!