Interview with Dana Cowin GCI Culinary Council
“GCI is a school that will be not only IN a place but also OF the place, making the entire area into a place of study and learning.”
This month we met with Culinary Council member Dana Cowin to discuss the GCI and why she joined this great group of culinarians.
What interests you most about the GCI?
I'm interested in the GCI because it is committed to reinventing culinary education from the ground up. GCI is a school that will be not only IN a place but also OF the place, making the entire area into a place of study and learning. I'm fascinated by the holistic, international approach.
How do you think the GCI will impact the culinary world?
GCI could reinvent the education model--expanding our definition of what can (or should) be taught and how. As jobs in the culinary world evolve, GCI has the opportunity to be a leader in training for a varied, exciting yet uncertain future.
We see the amazing work you are doing and have done throughout your career on the Culinary Council page, but what would you say is the most impactful advice you received early on in your work that helped shape your career?
It's a cliché, but it's worked for me: Do what you love, and everything else will follow.
What kind of work do you truly enjoy these days?
I'm creating a website called Giving Broadly, an extension of my podcast Speaking Broadly, devoted to a diverse group of women food entrepreneurs and their delicious products. I love telling these leaders’ stories and doing the tastings to arrive at the final selection to bring the absolute best products to consumers. Per my advice above, this is a labor of love, not a business model, so I'm excited to see where it takes me!
What's a fun culinary fact about you?
The first thing I ever cooked was popcorn. It was unforgettable because I put the hot pot on the Formica countertop and left a big burn!